Eye Logic Media Announce New - Press Release Worldwide Distribution
Released on = October 18, 2006, 10:04 am
Press Release Author = eye logic media
Industry = Management
Press Release Summary = Most SEO experts talk about optimizing your website for better search engine placement, but if that is all you're doing to increase your company's online presence, then it is necessary that you launch a series of press releases.
Press Release Body = Eye Logic Media, a privately held company in the search engine marketing SEM field, announced that it now offers new Press Release Worldwide Distribution Service.
Search engine marketing can be approached from several angles. It's also an excellent approach to write Press Release and submit them to online publications in the hope they publish it on their site. You can place keywords in your press release in an organized manner which will ad to the Search Engine Optimization Value of your website.
With a press release that is optimized for the keywords people would use to find a business like yours, we are able to create top listings in major search engines and news sources around the world in a matter of a few days. Most SEO experts talk about optimizing your website for better search engine placement, but if that is all you're doing to increase your company's online presence, then it is necessary that you launch a series of press releases. Just imagine having multiple releases out there driving traffic to your site each and every day for months and months after initial release.
Why Use Online Press Release Distribution service?
The press as well as prospects is using news search engines 98% of journalists go online daily 92% for article research 81% to do searching 76% to find new sources, experts 73% to find press releases On an average day, 68 million American adults go online, 30% use a search engine to find information, and 27% get news Sources: Middleberg/Ross Survey and Pew Internet and American Life Project 114.1 million Adults, in a recent study, used the Net to research product information, and 98.9 million made an online or offline purchase Dieringer Research Group In June 2004, 21 million users at work and at home used Yahoo News, 6 million used Google News -- Nielsen//Net Ratings Real-Time Statistics and Reporting!
Eye Logic Media is a full service, professional Search Engine Management Solutions that specializes in helping companies of all sizes to get their web sites highly ranked in the search engines. They have been involved in the field for ten years and have been applying their expertise and knowledge to boost traffic to numerous sites.
Eye Logic Media has offices in Richmond Hill, Canada and Tamil Nadu, India. For more information visit http://www.eyelogicmedia.com or call 905.508-3164.
Web Site = http://www.eyelogicmedia.com
Contact Details = Eye Logic Media has offices in Richmond Hill, Canada and Tamil Nadu, India. For more information visit http://www.eyelogicmedia.com or call 905.508-3164.
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